Wednesday, May 13, 2009

DJ DumbAss

Yes. This mustache definiely sucks. Irony has never looked so bad. And as an added bonus, we can see all the blow he just packed his nose with. Wow, can we hang out soon? Hope so. Chao.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Patriotic Mustache

He's offered to shave it for charity, should he? His wife and constituency say yes. But The Mustache Institute — a group dedicated to defending a man's right to sport a mustache against modern aversions — is demanding Snarr "recant" his shaving pledge and find another way to support the Children's Miracle Network.
"This could include shaving your head, your back or committing to not clipping your toenails for up to eight months," the group's leaders wrote to the mayor.
"Snarr should face down his opposition — mainly women — and keep his mustache", said Aaron Perlut of St. Louis, chairman of the Mustache Institute and a social-media consultant.
Perlut said mustaches fell out of favor in the 1970s and that his group's most recent surveys shows only 20 percent of women favor them. That's why more men are sporting tiny "chin" beards, which Perlut calls a "spousal compromise."
The group stands in defense of the singular mustache, rejecting all other styles of facial hair, even beards.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Does it?

Pop quiz: Does this mustache suck?
A: No, this mustache does not suck, this mustache is AWESOME.
Do I hear you ask why? Here's why, you might not see it right away, in fact, because of the blurryness of the photo, you can barely make it out, but when you do; when you catch a glimpse of the awesomeness that is the curled waxed sides on this dude's Mustachio (And yeah, it goes in the mustachio dept) you get it. And then you know.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fuck you all, I do what I want.

This guy gets in on a technicality, although he did have a mustache, it was more of a devil may care stubble. See, anyone that has a Jag emblem on their Geo Tracker, gets to rock a belly pack and shitty mustache with impunity. Hell, this guy coulda stepped out of his ride in his bvd's and clogs and I'd've still given him a high five.

"Just finished fillin up with the senior citizen's special at Denny's, the old "Moons over MyHammy", now it's time to gas up the ride, and cruise over to my lady's house for some Matlock. Holla!"